Helping Hands Healing Sanctuary is a refuge for people and animals alike, needing love, security, healing and just a safe place to be.  We take in animals in need of homes and give them a purpose.  Just like humans, animals need to feel loved and feel like they have a reason for existing.  We give them that purpose by letting them love and heal people. Most of the animals residing here are used for some sort of therapy.  
Seen here in this video is one of our newest therapy animals, Antea the donkey, in a therapy session with a child.  She came to us from southern California a few months ago and became a huge hit with the kids.  She is an awesome therapist: intuitive, loving, kind and resilient.  As part of a new program, she will be bringing joy and love to the aged in local assisted living residences.  We feel so blessed to have her as part of our healing team!